Aug 13, 2014

news one and two

GoodSir finished a lot of new art for Fallen, including New Loading screen.
Here it is, enjoy:

Second, I have presented Fallen at devmeat meeting for gamelinch.
It was.. funny, because I took wrong brunch with broken AI. ^_^
That was embarrassing.
Still, I got handful of good advises. I think, I see the way, how to "power up" Fallen! 

Aug 12, 2014

Ha ha! We have moved a second play test up to end of the month!
No problem at all! GoodSir draws art. He finished a lot already.
As for me, I working on vidget technology.
Ahhh. thats mostly technical stuff, but..
well. You see, when I have finished this engine I was so proud of it!
The peak of my skills, cool, high level architecture. 
Hooray, I thought.

Then, I learned and learned a lot and asked myself, why I spent about a month on skill book?
ahhh. again. You know the answer, the engine wasn't high level enough!

NO, no, no! I am not going to rewrite the game, that's would be stupid!
I'll make a shell for legacy code and then, try to level up my engine for future work.

Yeah, this is a system engineer.

Roguelike dev, I love you! I made me programer, game designer and now, system engineer.