Sep 25, 2015

Weekly report

As I mentioned in a previous post, we have finished save/ load map routines and it took more time than I planed. Doh..
From other hand, it is done, at end of all and future client/server routines will not be so hard to implement, because we will have main architecture done already.
What does it mean to you as a player? Well, you will return to exact level you left instead of new one.

After such an Epic goal I started another epic one, quest mechanism.Quests can break your game with ease, so I spent more time developing architecture then actually coding.
It is obvious idea, well, it would be great if got it couple of years ago. ^_^
Basic quest interface is ready and the next step is creature ranks in groups.
Once it is done you will get this tutorial 'Talk  to Master of Scavengers Guild' quest!

Sep 21, 2015

Quest for...

Vadim and I are preparing a major build of Fallen. It is gonna come at October or November.
Despite I named it as major, we plan to turn off a lot of features game currently has and tweak existing.

Wait.. I think you are want me write what was that? Why we didn't post updates for absurdly long period of time. Even Lazy Snail was summoned!
Okay, it was my fault, Vadim was working hard (but he doesn't post anything here! Maaan, Lazy Snail watches you).
I had three reasons, but the number one is that I bogged myself into client-server stuff.
Oh yes, save/load on HDD and potentially get some data from server.
I already have an experience with that and learned one rule, very obvious, frankly, game itself shouldn't know when data comes from and goes to.
Yes, it was harder then I thought, but I won this battle and happy about that.

Well. Back to our work. Vadim will write about graphical design plans, yes, he promised that, otherwise Lazy Snail would come for him too!
We will turn off, temporary, of course: crafting and global map.
We will add quests, Scavenger guild and 2-3 local map levels to explore!

Sep 15, 2015

Lazy Snail!

This is Lazy Snail!

It came to kick my butt for bad work 
I don't want it to come again!