Jan 29, 2014

simple, the simplest

It is interesting. I came to nice and accurate algorithm, that will enhance life simulation code, but achieved my goal by changing only one variable.
That's true, one variable "pumped up" already existing algorithms and made new one obsolete, before it was finished.
I really love simple things, but sometimes the are simpler then you thought.

I back to skills and abilities interface. I wanted to make all in one skill screen, but found out, that it isn't look good at all.
Even popup help windows can't help.
So, you would be browsing skills, each of them would have its own window. It would take some time, because player should be able to read descriptions, level up skills and buy new abilities and perks, but it worth all troubles.

Jan 26, 2014

Shoot them all!

I have finished technical shooting routines. There are few small problems, but it gone surprisingly smoothy!
 I was shoot down couple of times and seen NPC shooting each-other. Shooting is fully animated, of course (used my super madskillz).
For the next step, I have to add ranged attributes (used melee attributes for test), add shooting interface for player and ranged weapons themselves, but it wouldn't be very difficult.
All this would use already working algorithms.

Meanwhile, at first I want to spice up the "live world" simulation a bit. I have some secret plan for this.

Sorry, but all ideas about the simulation routines would be hidden. It wouldn't be funny, if you would know how it works.
I'll report results, but not how it had been done. ^_^

Peace and love, boys and girls! See you soon!

Jan 23, 2014


Well. Next part of bla-bla-blah series.
Today I want to speak about Field of View aka FOV. Have you ever seen FOV on Fallen screenshots?
Right, It was on old ones of ex-Fall From Heaven the Roguelike, but I am speaking of new Fallen, we started in October 2013.

Nope. There isn't any sign of FOV there.
Do I plan to add it?
No, I don't.

I don't want to say, that FOV is outdated, like ASCII, no it is not.
But! This part of roguelike dogmata's is overrated.
Usual roguelike developer starts projects and there is minimal set of features, that should be there and one of them is FOV.

I think it is hastily and ill-advisedly decision.
First, it isn't easy to make well working FOV. There are lot of well done algorithms and precoded libraries, but, even then, it wouldn't be walk in the park.

The second problem, even the perfect FOV algorithm, codded by Donald Knuth himself would be resource consuming.
FOV is gready.

Frankly, everything I mention above isn't a problem at all.
Roguelike developers really love solve puzzles.
Making roguelike is for algorithm friendly boys and girls, right?

The main trouble, usually FOV added without answering question, what for?
It is added, because it should be.

Wait, wait! You can't just make FOV and let it be. You have neatly add to your gameplay.
It should be useful for  the gameplay, for the player and the most important - for fun!
Truly. This is the most important question: "Would it add fun to your game? Do you need it for fun?".
I was thinking a lot about it, the answer was: Gameplay of the Fallen needs FOV, like a fish needs a bicycle.
So, no FOV here.

Jan 21, 2014


Cleared bulk of small troubles.
I collect them in dozen and fix in one time. For example, skills window was stealing mouse input from local map. It is really annoying.
Highlighted mouse position on local map. You would be 146% sure where you are going to click. It is simple idea, can't understand, why didn't do it beforehand.

But! The more important part of development, finished first part of usable abilities.
NPC buffing themselves and it really spices up the gameplay.
Clicking group of wolfs to death is rather boring. Fighting wolfs that use pack tactic, baffing themselves with rage ability and using powerful bite is completely different type of game.
Especially, if you have selection of abilities yourself.
You can see it on screenshot. (there are some cool sprites, I found via google. They are really cool, but used for graphic test. We would replace them.)

Right now, I am working on mentioned close combat ability, like powerful bite and skirmishers.
That guys that running from you, shooting or just running away. I have a plan, how to make it interesting, but not annoying.

Jan 19, 2014

Bugs can be funny!

Wow, that's was funny. I had two bugs in actions routine.
First one, wasn't allowing NPC to use more then one ability of one type in one moment.
Second removes cooldown on the next turn.
I hunted down first one and run a test.
So, I lured pack of wolves in to town, citizen casted about 20 fortify abilities (it is test ability, gives armor and move speed) on self, killed all wolves in no time and fly away.
It was 26 times faster then my character!
That was funny! Now it is time to fix second bug.


I am not sure, that I can post a screenshot about it.
Polished skills a bit more. Oh my, this I work on skills story is getting a bit old, but what I can do? It would be very important part of gameplay!

So, been fed up by skills, I made small break and upgraded AI, so it uses abilities now. Right now, I am working on other way for AI to use abilities, like ranged combat, skirmishing, running in fear etc.
This routines use really simple algorithm, so it wouldn't burden CPU with calculations.

This really spiced up the gameplay. Monsters had only one ability to use, the test one fortify, but it made me to use some tactics fighting them.
I can't wait to finish my current work and fight wolfs, that would use enrage and mighty bite abilities.

Also, the animation fits abilities very well! But this is the problem, screenshot of animation? ^_^

Jan 15, 2014

Paper work

Done tons of paper work. Revisied Fallen concent, plan and design.
Removed even more small features. Just pure gameplay for us.

What to show, heh. Put myself togeather to finish wall validation routines, so they look finished.
I think, I would have couple of screenshots of skill tree and system at the end of the week.
I can't promise, but will do my best.