Mar 31, 2015

Game maps for next version

I believe in procedural generation.
Combined with hand-made game features it can give virtually infinite replayability both for RPG and strategy games.
That's why, map generation algorithm was my target number one for a long-long period.
You can't imagine how many different algorithms I have tried.
From one hand I want semi-open word for our game.  (semi-open, because we don't need another world without game project).
From other hand, game should have interesting mazes and labyrinths to explore.

So! I think, that I close to my goal. Open this screenshot.
Yes, instead of blocks variability it has couple of outstanding bugs, but it combines maze to explore and enough space to add special locations (towns, lairs, crypts etc)

Mar 27, 2015

Who is mister Steam Knigth?

No. No. No. This creature is mana larvae. Huge insect, tainted by wild mana. They don't pose any real threat, until outnumber you or evolve to more powerful beasts.

But Who is Mr. Steam Knight?

Mighty figure in bulky shinning armour. Impenetrable fortress armored head to toe?
The reality says otherwise.
'Human mounted steam engine interface' or HUMSEN is result of series of painful surgical operations.
The reward is the possibilities for one, who was lucky enough to be selected for this honor, when he or she reaches the 'workforce' age.

Steam knights are in high demand at every factory or mushroom farm all over the workers quarters.
Every plant or factory needs person who can haul few metric tons or work as steamroller or steamhummer, literally.
They have the lowest attrition rate among all workers. Steam knight are too valuable to be lost.
That's why they are named as 'Knights' a nobility among workforce.
The few who can change their workplace without paying a "ransom" tax and of course, they are welcome all over the Frontier.
Who can fight the hordes of necromutants better then Steam Knights?

Take a role of Steam Knight and who knows, maybe "Mighty figure in bulky shinning armour. Impenetrable fortress armored head to toe" is the future of your character.

Mar 25, 2015

I have recovered from nasty influenza.
It is great feeling to get your clear mind back.

About Fallen. Version 0.3 is coming.
It would have playable character "Steam Knight".
This guy has nice combination of abilities to control battle complemented with good HP boost.

We will add one- two playable characters per release.