May 25, 2014

Results of the playtest!

The results of the playtest are exceptionally satisfying!
Playtest showed a lot of flaws and major part of them were “I am too used to game to notice it”.
Yes, the worsen type of flaws.
For example, game screen moves abruptly.
I didn’t see it? Of course not, but used to it.
And so on.
I decided to start fixing issues from hardest to easiest.
Of course, it is 1000 times easier to add “qwe/asd/zxc” keyboard layout, then make multithreaded pathfinding calculation mechanism.
It meant, you can expect increase in speed of “greening” the issue as I move from hard to easy flaws.

Current task is already mentioned  - multithreaded pathfinding calculation mechanism;

May 20, 2014

Playtest? Playtest!

The result of the seven moths of work is here:;
It is only the beginning, my fellow roguelikers!

EDIT: I'll update this post with found issues.

Embarrassing ToDo list:

    Moved to Development page.

May 15, 2014

few steps before 7MRL

It means 7 Month RogueLike.
I named it this way, because evaluated that current version, which pending for the playtest has been  started exactly seven months ago!

The plan was to create the unfinished alpha(of course), but with a solid chunk of further gameplay.

Yesterday I have finished technical details of trade and shop classes.
Trade would be use to give away artefacts too.
I have to polish it and integrate into game in a proper way, instead of "press space and open trade for test" and, of course, GoodSir the Artist would work on it too.
Because it is just raw tech demo, without decoration.

After that, I have three rather minor tasks. If we count the required time, of course!
They are really important for the gameplay.
The first hello screen while loading and creating the game. It should provide short and vital "your goal" info for the players.
The second - "You win" routines. Just mere "good job! wanna to continue?" screen. It is enough for now.
and the last one - "Character is dead" routines. It wouldn't stop the game, but strip character off its current exp for next level and respawn in the first town. It doesn't mean it would be this at the final version, but sound like good idea for unbalanced alpha.

May 4, 2014

report 05/05/2014

You can purchases skill levels and abilities. It eat up a lot of time, but worth it!

Added full Screen mode that looks awesome.
Refactored map generator a bit. I put it aside, until the release of Mini Fallen.
Fixed dozen of bugs and glitches. Some of them were really funny. For example, static and dynamic (per level) HP bonus were replacing each other. Creature with +60 static HP bonus has mighty +60 per level HP bonus. O_O.
Added ranged attributes (Ranged Attack, Ranged Power and Ranged Speed) and ranged weapons.
Creatures use ranged weapon and attributes for ranged attacks or have "innate shooter" perk.
Player uses ranged attack via mouse.
Ranged attacks need balancing and polishing, of course.
Added accessories items and slot.
Monsters spawn is more interesting.
Good Sir made more cool art. Player tile, monster and some interface.

Artefact item type.
and few other small upgrades I forget. ^_^