Dec 26, 2014

Fallen 0.2 'playtest' released

Good day, boys and girls!
We are happy to present you the playtest of Fallen 0.2.

Frankly, this release ate up all the brainpower, so.. ugh. here is the LINK!

No more playtests! Next versions will be coming more often and will be more gameplay oriented. ^_^

Dec 25, 2014

One day before the playtest of 0.2

Few months have passed since last playtest.
We have fixed all issues during it and more impotant, the game engine was refactored (again, I know, I know).
But! Now it got widgets, you know about them, if you read this blog.
What does it mean? It would be last mostly "technical" version. All future releases would be more gameplay oriented and will be more often!

Dec 22, 2014

Creature concepts

 They are waiting for you.

playtest 0.2 is to be released at 25-26 of December 2014.

Map generator. Done.

and "softer" variant:

Well. It was surprisingly easy to add generator to game. You can see small map on screenshot above.
Post-generator is set to "raw" mode, so you can see "rooms" as they placed on map, but it can be hidden and look like pure cave.

Playtest 0.2 is to be released at 25-26 of December 2014.

Dec 19, 2014

Just one screenshot

Just one screenshot from current version.
Game engine was heavily reworked and it so easy to edit and add features now!
The approximate date of release is 28-29 of December.
So I could get some feedback and work on it during holidays.

Click on screenshot to enlarge it.

Dec 17, 2014

Map generator lib

This is the map generated by Jesus05 algorithm. 74994 rooms at one map. ^_^
Of course, we don't need the map of that size. I don't think we need a map of 100 rooms, but it is good, when algorithm can do its job regardless of size.

But, the most important part, algorithm distributes room types over the map.
I say about enter, exit, boss room, pre-boss room, treasure room, puzzle room etc.

We wouldn't add this lib ti "new year" version. It isn't finished yet, but I am preparing lib interface while Jesus05 polishing generators lib.

Dec 9, 2014

The evolution of gameplay.

“Renowned tradition of gamedev – write design document after few years of development and couple concept switches”.

^_^. As I wrote before, «fun projects» should be treated as «serious» ones or they can turn from «fun» to «funny».
Let’s take a look at the concept of «Fallen».

At first we had something like this:

Our hero, here he is.

Dec 8, 2014

Give up, bugzzz!

Is there any gamedev mistake we didn't do? ^_^
Oh, come on.

As I tweeted before, a fellow roguelike developer asked me: "Where is your roguelike, damn you?!".
It is embarrassingly right. There were about 10 different Fallens at least and now..

Heh, You have heard it for 100000000 times from me, right? This is the flaw of such side project, you always want to improve it, instead of making something final. ^_^

Okay. Okay. I can write a lot about technical details, but you want to know about the game itself, right?

At the first days of January Fallen is to be released.