Dec 6, 2011

I have some sort of horrible depressive state for couple of month or maybe a bit longer, don't know.
Even I understand, that it is really unnatural, I can't do anything. -_-

It is already showed reflects on my work, life and, of course, FFHtR development.
I don't know, maybe I am simply tired, maybe something else.
I'll try to put myself together and fight it it.


  1. Depressed moods can be caused by just about anything and can last for a while. You're good for trying to break out of the funk.

  2. Роджер, это просто осень и недостаток витаминов. Забей ты на эту депрессию! Ты делаешь шикарный проект и с каждым днем он становится все луше. Поверь, все круто :)

  3. Thank you guys!
    I bought myself a bottle of vitamins, added more exercises and limited coffee.

    Also, started "taking life easy" ^_^.

    It is too early to speak about results (yeah, one day), but I really feel eager to start coding, refactoring and living!
