Dec 3, 2013

One suitcase life.

Disclaimer:  This post isn't related to roguelike dev or Fallen, just my small idea, I want to share, so you are free to pass it. Especially for this, I cut my post in two. =)

One suitcase life.
Well, well, well. I didn't come to this due some super powerful meditation technique, it was just coincidence, that leads me to this conclusion.
Some time ago, I got few episodes, not one or two,  when I was moving from place to place with nearly all of my belongings.
Losing or leaving some of them in the process. At very end, I was moving with nearly one suitcase of belongings. It isn't small one, but only one. Only one big bag of items, that I can call my own, but hey! It was comfortable! Even without tons of stuff I thought to be higly important for even evrydays life.

All others, I bring to place I stay or live, that's something,that give some marginal comfort, but it sn't truly mine, even if it literally mine as lawful owner.
Franky, It frees. I can take my suitcase and go, leaving everything, what isn't mine behind.
One suitcase life saves lot of money and put comfort into life, when your suitcase stays between you and all this spontaneous spendings.
Do you really need this super flat big TV? It is out of suitcase, it isn't yours.
Who need this all fancy stuff, when it doesn't fit your suitcase?

I don't know, but maybe it will help you too. Gather your suitcase, safe your money and live easy! =)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an awesome idea, but i dunno how to put my cat into suitcase :)
