Oct 2, 2012

>So, FFHtR 0.1 would be released next week and I'll post about development.
Ha, ha, ha!!!
 I was so optimistic!

My friends, we working on 0.1 and working hard, but damn, it is really big piece of pie we tried to get!

XVs just sent me good report about fails in FFHtR right now, honestly, there are lot of issues, some of them small, some of them big, but they are here!
Also, there issues I keep in mind!
So, we have to work more, not just a little bit more, but it is a big goal.

I forget about posting progress, so forget lot of fixes I did.
I'll try to keep them going.

For example, PsiWeapon made great font for FFHtR, we didn't use this, because it was impossible.
Now, I have fixed fonts and now they look good, so, I put his font into game and FFHtR has its own font, but not "borrowed" =) from DF.
Take a look:

As you can see, we put important information in front of unimportant and it is highlighted.

Also, I have fixed seasons for new global map type and forests, mountains etc It was a real mess! This code nearly turn me berserk, but I survived and finished it!

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