May 31, 2015

You are at Radio 'Fallen'!

I have started 'Radio' feature and finished basics.
Special gameplay element your player character may use.
It would have two main functions:
1. Radio broadcasts from local authorities or citizens. It will give you brief description of local situation and play advertisement of local 'Special NPC', like traders and so.
2. Broadcast by someone in Catacombs. Distress calls from actual NPC for example or their 'last words' or reports. It will act like message log for most vital events during your travels.

Screenshots of basic radio stuff I have finished already (Of course, it isn't final version of GUI ^_^):

May 30, 2015

The Savage Virgin and Cursed Archer Hall

It was moment I was waiting for. I am returning old world to Fallen.
Travel all around meet some strange things and visit odd places!

So, I have finished nearly everything from my plans, except for population setting and some seed randomization.
During implementation I found bug that game may create sites and locations without actual buildings and features in it. It happens when generator can't find place for them. Fixed it.
Game has few levels of verification for some type of objects where it needed.
Game can check size of empty space (Town can't be created in tiny tunnel), make more attempts to place buildings and can report its fail if needed.
For example location "tavern" may not have a storage room of one of guest suits, but should have main meeting hall.
I intentionally left generator a bit inaccurate and don't want it to be sterile like operating suit, because it allows algorithms to create truly amusing and unpredictable locations and combinations.
Also, 'tiny' wouldn't be a town (it was too dull), but another small location, like manor or tavern.
I have added only taverns, also there are just few empty  building: main hall, guest suits and storage buildings.
Tavern along road; Main hall, small building an farm. Farm is on its own.

What does it meant? It arises new goal for me!  When I'll finish global map seed implementation and leave it waiting for GoodSir to finish art, I have to take 'talking' routines out of closet and implements 'specialists' (Traders for example).
Yeah! It is going to be interesting.

May 29, 2015

Second step on Global Map.

I can report a success of Global Map implementation. 
We start at vertical map of Frontier Catacombs;

We can enter location we are currently visiting and this location will have all entrances it has on global map (Ancient lift and tunnels).  
Lift and tunnels are interconnected by roads, so you can travel to next “millstone” without frustration.
So, when you enter a location through tunnel you will be near tunnel entrance and can follow the road of move to forested area and explore caves.

Of course, we need normal GUI and graphics for global map. GoodSir, do you hear me? ^_^
Now you can explore “dangerous catacombs of the Frontier”, but generator know how to create only one single scene for you: big town under attack of necromutant horde.
This is it. You understand my next goal. Teach generator to create different scenes, based on some basic seed.

Here are my plans:
We have two (yet) major “features” to add to local map: town and forest.
When forest is a placeholder. When map generator ends adding “major features” to a map it will run one additional cycle and place forest to every single empty map block that remains empty.
Forest is named as “major” feature, because it includes small features inside of itself.
It means that forest may different “tree” density and two algorithms of three placing. Scarce and thick blocks.
It has different “forest” items: stones, truffles or sticks.
Local creatures – semi-neutral giant roaches and  “minor” features.
Minor features are objects that are to small for global generator to care about them.
It is farms, lumbermills, abandoned shacks, nests and so on.
When ‘forest’ generator creates forests it add “minor” features on its own behalf.
What have I add to this model?
a. ‘feature’ probability. Features has their default probability, but main generator should have ability to modify it if needed.
b. Flags. It isn't needed right now. Because all caverns have one setting, ugh, underground caverns, but later on we will need guiding flags to prevent irrelevant objects to pop at wrong places.

Okay. This is enough for the forest for now. It is a placeholder for ‘empty’ map blocks. Let’s speak about ‘major’ map features.
There is only one ‘major’ map feature right now – town;
It creates sprawling underground city along roads and one square near nearby. Then it turns building into houses and shops in predefined proportion.
Also it add a lot of neutral ‘citizens’ and ‘necromutans’ to make a scene ‘town attacked by mutants’.
So, what have I do here?
a. Different sizes of towns: None (hehe), homestead size (one block), town (near roads), city (near roads + 1 additional square around).
b. couple of additional features for the town except houses and shops. Tavern, maybe? Any ideas?
Population:  I want global generator to have an ability to adjust population. For example, by default, towns will be populated by humans, but global generator should be able to spice it up with mutants.
These are my close plans for generator itself. Of course,  we need more ‘major’ features and so on, but I speak about future couple of days of development.

Second part is generator “seed”. The script for a generator.
I have two levels of development for the ‘seed’.
Every single local level of Catacombs would have a list of parameters (for upcoming versions):
Town size, population (humans, neutrals, animals, necromutants etc);
Forestation limits (scarce to thick);
Features flags;
Mana contamination (affects additional “roaming” necromutants);
These parameters should be filled for every level with help of procedurally generated algorithm. So map will look somewhat balanced.
From other hand, this algorithm is long term plan. During this weekend I’ll make seed generator based on totally random generation. We will see how it will work.

So. This is my plan for this weekend.

May 27, 2015

Positive Mindset. Why self-improvement fails and how to avoid it.

Do you remember my small post about one suitcase life?
This is one of these. Of course, it is roguelike blog, but don’t we need to share interesting ideas about our life and lifehacks?

Here is one thought I want to share with you, my dear readers.
There are a lot of books devoted to self-development in general or to some specified field.
They are useful and interesting. Reading them has to lead people to great results and life progress.
It doesn’t happen in most cases for majority of readers.

Look. Let’s take the most well know books like «Screw it, Just do It» by Richard Branson, «Rich Dad Poor Dad» by Robert Kiyosaki, Allen Carr’s Easyways series!
Millions of copies were sold! These books should make a tremendous impact on human minds. Like Allen Carr wrote in his book that smoking will demise as soon as Easyways would be implemented.
Shining idea met cast iron butt of reality.
I think you may know at least one person who still smokes like steam engine after reading a book or quit smoking for a brief period of week or two.
Other books may work just the same. You get a motivation for a brief period of time and then life returns on its old tracks or even worse: Once I felt cheated because didn’t find a silver bullet advice in a book. Shame on me!

Why does it happen?
I have analyzed it and came to these conclusions:
It is not about a book (or any other useful material we decided to use for our self-improvement, but I’ll write “book” to keep it simple).
It is about who and how reads a book.
Even if author does his or her best to make book easy to understand by someone who is running behind, still, it is to be like a set of advises of 20lvl AD&D hero to level 1 hero – «How to defeat dragon with your bare hands».
Does it make such materials useless for us, draining money from our pockets?
Of course no!
Such book is a perfect tool for even a level 1 hero! Maybe, such hero will not defeat a dragon, right now, but will vanquish a huge rat as a first step!
«Okay», - You may say, «It is obvious, but, how do we fail to get these results?».
Because books give us results of completely different level and purpose.
Let’s see them:
First and usual result is a Surge of Motivation.
This is “That feel” level of result.
People who gets it usually write comments like: «Very inspiring / motivating book!», «Great book! I feel so energized and motivated!».
Don’t get me wrong. There is nothing bad to get good portion of motivation.
Shame is to stop on this level.

It is pity, but, vast majority of readers get nothing, except nice portion of motivation.
As I mentioned before, motivation is great! It can fuel our efforts.
The only problem, such semi-artificial motivation is like a cup of strong coffee.
Effect is energizing and inspiring, but short-living.
Just like a cup of coffee can make as “stronger” and give “power”, real strength, vitality and power comes from constant work-out, hard. But balanced training. Yes. Slow and steady progress.
When this “Motivation Surge” is equal to “motivational” seminars or paid “walking on coals” practices and so on.
Nice try, effects last until you are get back to the plantation of day-to-day job.
That's why, it effect is so tasty, addictive and shot-living, making people buy pyramids of materials, even if they don't see actual result.
Ugly truth: motivation isn’t a true nature of self-improving books and materials!
Think about them as a roadmaps.
Not a magic pill or coffee cup, but a map to the goal you seek.

Of course, it is easy to say: “see it as a roadmap”, but hard to do.
Tough nut from a level 20 hero, isn't it?
Yes and no.
True: to reap full benefits from a books we need to have a mindset, the way we percept the world, close to one author has.
Then we can follow ideas with a flying colours and empower ourselves.

And one more “But!”
“You are what you eat” works very well for the information we get.
Don't forget, we are information we perceive. Our 'self' consists of information we allow us to “consume”.
It is a big topic to discuss in this small post.
The more important quantity and quality of information we “load” is very important. Of course, it is easy to feed yourself with fictional literature and TV dramas, but what type of “self” they will create?
Good news, it works in opposite direction!
Reading self-development materials, accompanied with persistent work will finally pays out.
Slowly, but steadily you will get mindset you are looking for.
Such books aren't only a cup of motivation and road map to results, but also seeds of your new self.
Of course, they need good soil and care, but at some point you will find see a new person in a mirror.
So we can say, there three levels of “usefulness”:
  1. Motivation Cup of coffee. Pleasant, but side effect. Don't allow yourself to be trapped here.
  2. Seeds and soil of slow and constant improvement. Treat them well and at some point you will follow:
  3. Roadmap. The path author prepared for you.
Give youself some, work hard on yourself and then, reread books you found to difficult or vague, you would be surprised. I assure you!

May 26, 2015

Dream is to be Passion

I always was (and is) a dreamer.
Fallen project isn't an exception. From the very begging of development. Even not Fallen, but previous "games" of this family I dreamed about riveting sandbox game.

I want to share my dream with you.
World of Fallen is world of old England hidden in Huge Underground catacombs.
People struggle here for survival against all horrible odds, monstrosities and ancient blind powers.
As a player we will emerge in this world; travel, hunt,  trade and explore.
Build a fortune or fame, or both. Fall somewhere, killed by traps or horrible creatures.

Travel through huge mushroom forests; find small hut of a procedurally  generated person; steal, trade, rob or share; be blessing, woe or bystander;
Read the story game will play for you by its own or with your help.
Uncover mystery of Ancients that differs from game to game.
Find small towns, buy or take quests. Craft your own weapons, survive or conquer.

Why did I write it?
Global Map implementation makes me feel a bit closer to this ultimate goal.
We will reach it!

May 25, 2015

First step on global map

Don't be afraid! It is my draft. It wouldn't be this way in the game!
This is a draft of future global map of Frontier, the underground catacombs. They are waiting for you to explore them.
Right, it is vertical map.
This map doesn't look really big, but I have limited to one screen size with a purpose.
It is easy to test.
Also, every time you enter a local map you will have relatively huge local map to explore with towns, farms, buildings, monsters and so on.

On this draft you can see an orange creature - it is a player.
Ladder like "things" are pipeline lifts. Huge ancient mechanisms of strange origin. They constantly move in catacombs and used by humans to move all around the Frontier.

You can travel via lifts to another levels (vertically), but can leave lift when it crosses real level (obvious).
To travel horizontally you have to enter local map and find tunnel to nearby catacomb. Once found it and reveal a part of dungeon out of fog of war you can travel freely via global map.

Next step is to tune map generator to create different type of local maps.
It means you will see a preview of essential features this level would has. Like settlement, monsters activity and so on. This preview is to be a seed for a map generator.
So you can expect to meet huge mushroom forests, monsters nests and underground cities etc.

Global map layout isn't generated, but hardcoded. It is okay. I have set it as a different and interesting goal. 

May 10, 2015

Who needs crafting? The question of priorities.

Have you player Fallen that is available for download now?
If you do, I think you may not even find crafting at all or just ask yourself a question 'Why this guy made crafting before more basic and important features of gameplay?'.
The question of priorities.
It was like this: I waked up and thought "OMG, OMG! Crafting, crafting! We need crafting now!" and made in a one small streak. Well. not bad, of course, but not wise when you have more important features at hand.

About current progress:
As you can see (Development link ===>) I have finished a lot of tasks and totally overtaken GoodSir. ^_^ But, he sworn  to beat me in finished task before I'll return home from seminar.
So, let the battle begins!
It looks like he didn't expect from me to work at spare time during my travel. hehehe.

May 8, 2015

see you soon

I am leaving to participate a Scrum Master seminar. but I'll be working on Fallen during my travel.
If you want you can meet me in London from 09-14.05.15. ^_^
I would be happy to meet fellow roguelikers!

Concerning the development:
Thanks to trello board, it is MUCH easier to manage the development. You can see the speed I update 'done' list! Notwithstanding it was very anxious week.

May 5, 2015

Development status

Good news!
At end of all we found nice resource to manage our progress instead of huge forum sheets and vast documents.
I didn't move to Trello already finished tasks, but only close at hand development features.

You are welcome to visit it and see when I am procrastinating or not. ^_^
Also,  I have finished core inventory refactoring (It is character sheet now) and abilities interface. You can drag and drop abilities from storage to quick access panel and so on.

Inventory needs some polishing, adding titles, new tiles, but its core is done.
While GoodSir is drawing new sprites, I'll make character leveling and abilities purchase.