Jul 11, 2015

weekly report and build

I is interesting. Even if I announced previous week as Gameplay, most of closed tickets were pure technical. - bugfixes, GUI updates and so in.

Our finished list:
1. Four more clothing sprites.
2. Global map is no longer  painful to use. ^_^
3. A portion of nasty bugs were cleared.
4. Config.cfg got more features.
5. Couple of GUI tweaks.
6. Creatures drop specified corpses.

For the next week we start serialization and client/server routines. They are required for  many and maby features (for example quests), but first "feature" would be game saving.


  1. Hi.
    I really like your game.
    You're Russian, right? Могу помочь подретушировать перевод, если Вам это интересно. Денег за это мне никаких не надо :)

  2. Hi!
    Совершенно верно! Да ,это было бы хорошо, в игре куча текста, написанного в лохматые времена. Глаза болят на него смотреть!, а трогать противно!
