Jun 19, 2013

We aren't buying anymore, sorry!

I continue cutting features that smells bad. 
This one is sort of milestone decision - shops aren't buying loot anymore.
After first FUUUUU.... lets have a look on details.
I have read about in some article wrote by guy from DCSS. Sorry, it was few years ago, so I couldn't find it.
He wrote about feature cut and "shops don't buy" as one among them.
Well, it was time when I was blinded by idea, that the more features you add to game the better it would be. Such a delusion!
But this is the topic for the separate post, lets talk about current topic.

So, what game and player got from selling goods to NPC merchants? It is just another one way for player to get money, nothing more. Rarely it  would be the main source of coins for player.
It is not vital part, player get coins for variety of sources.

What we would get, if cut it?
First of all, this aspect is really hard to balance. Of course, it couldn't be the only reason, but lets keep it in mind.
 Next, selling goods feature means tons of micromanagement. Of course, it is roguelikes and we like hardcore, but not that way. Nobody like grinding.
And about hardcore. Yes, it would make game a bit more hardcore and it is good.

Well, decision is simple: shops aren't buying from version 0.1.


  1. I afraid, that challenge of version 0.1 would be abusively high. What can I say, beta.
