Jun 3, 2014

Coffee addiction and the lost week

I had counted the quantity of the coffee cups I had per day and decided to take a permanent break. ^_^
I have managed to overcome the alcohol drinking, no problem with coffee, I am sure.

Oh yeah, 27/05/14 I have started it and got damn hard withdrawal syndrome. 
Say hello to your addiction, buddy!

For the rest four-five days I felt tired, got headache and was nervous as obese virgin neckbeared fedora guy visiting the girls' campus. ^_^

All that trash had gone for good and I felt myself really cool and, as nice bonus, hate coffee smell.

Of course, all my attempts to work with Fallen code or documentary were in vain.
The good news, it has finished and I have already tested the thread's code.
There is work to be done, but I think, I'll finish it up to the end of the week.

Summary, this multithreaded pathfindig stuff is the major goal of current fix.
When I'll finish this, the rest would be mere walk in the park.

1 comment:

  1. "nervous as obese virgin neckbeared fedora guy visiting the girls' campus" That made me laugh. Thanks :)

    And cafeïne is a horrible drug.
