Aug 1, 2012

I stopped drinking coffee, so got some troubles with my activity.
Then, I have  recovered and returned to work.
15-16 of September is ARRP 2012 release date, I should finish 0.1 up to this time.

Some upcoming information:
Settlements (Global objects with population) would have grade, based on population size.
It would modify difficulty and possible actions (along with flags) for player.

*  It would be harder to conceal your actions in small settlements (hamlets, villages), because, most of the people in such settlements know each other, from other hand, they would generate less heat, because of small population to spread gossip.
*  It would be somewhat easy to find hideout in the big city, but from other hand. Big cites would have temples, mages, lot of guards etc.
*  Bigger groups would get more attention from guards, citizens etc. So, you shouldn't send more servants on a mission, then it needed.