Jan 17, 2012

I don't feel any aspiration to work on new grab, open and other interface menus, right now.
But, I started making config files, maps and random canvases. It looks like for every 10 configs, we need at least 50 maps and 20-30 canvases. It would provide decent quantity of combinations.

Also, as promised, I'll "confess" why I have deleted previous global map.
Well, It wasn't interesting, no, it was booooring!!!
So, next version would have really small map, literally, maybe 20x20 tiles, some sort of new player territory, but it would have sufficient quantity of interesting features. When we would be sure, that randomization working  good and this small zone would provide gameplay interesting enough, we would enlarge it.


  1. Hi. I'm Ukrainian developer and I'm interesting in conversation with you. Please, contact me via Skype: Chuz13 any time. I'm sure, it'll be an enthralling dialogue.

  2. No problems! I don't have skype on this computer, but I'll install it on my notebook and contact you soon!

  3. Thanks. Also, you can contact me by ICQ: 419613770, if it will be more convenient for you.

  4. Nope, skype is better, I'm installing it right now on my note, but it is slow a bit. ^_^
