Nov 20, 2013

Couple of nasty bugs have been cleared, halve dozen of issues fixed.
Debug interface now turned to something you will see in final game.
But the most important, we have big surprise for our future players!
I am not completely sure when I'll finish this, tomorrow or at weekend.

EDIT: Also, I implemented interesting, perk- based leveling system for creatures. It isn't something new, you can see in different games, but it really cool system!
For example, I don't juggle with stats of, for example, giant roach.
All creatures are the same from the start. I just gave it three perks.
Hard as nail (+ good hit points bonus per level), Carapace(armor per levl + static bonus), Clumsy (- to hit) and set it level to 3.
It make this beast rather interesting and dangerous for low level, badly equiped character.
Because it got about 30 hit points and 12 armor. At the good side, it has only 65% basic to hit chance!


Yes, my vacations is over and I have less spare time and the most important, brain power to work on Fallen.
Heh, I really love coding computer games.
I really feel anticipation for this, but I am not sure, that I can become full time indie roguelike developer.
Simply, because I have to eat and pay bills. This life is funny I have to spent 10-12 hours per day on something I really don't like, even hate from time to time, to have couple hours, dead tired on something I like.

From other hand it makes me so happy and I feel such an urge to work, every time I work on Fallen.
Well. It is critical difficult personal decision. Mostly finance, of course. Maybe I'll write something about it later.

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