Jun 23, 2015

Procedurally Generated Quests

Let’s discuss this very interesting topic.
How do Quests can be procedurally generated?
I think Quests should be a combination of premade basic scripts, our game situation and random content.
Premade basic script means a part of a task, like deliver, hunt, find, patrol, craft and so on.
Quest will have 2+ basic scripts. For example hunt Mutants, find artefact and deliver it to city.
Game situation means quest maker should respect current game development.
Does city exist at specified location, monster lair or tribal village.  Necromutants activity and so on.
You will get more peaceful quests if situation is calm and more dangerous combat tasks at real frontier.
 Random content is simple - Find one artefact or two carrots.

Okay. Let’s try to generate a quest.
We create quest in a city. It has low necromutants activity, 2 bandits camps nearby and one mana lagoon.
Game randomly selects four blocks for a quest:
  •         Defeat # troublemakers.
  •         Develiver an artefact.
  •         Defeat an Important Enemy.
  •         Explore location.

Then game forms a task.
It takes bandits as foes.
Bandits’ important items as artefact and removes “explore location” because this location is already explored by Player (for example).

Final task will be: “We have big problems with outlaw gand ‘Knives Of Aged Minotaur’ from ‘Fearful Caves Sealed By Ancient Ghosts’. You have to go there and  defeat their leader, fearful John ‘Evil Eye’ Beckon. Bring back his log book, because it helds important information. Also we will pay you additional 5 coins per every gang member you will put to Justice! Finish it in a less then 67 days and get additional bonus!”.

Of course, it is just a sketch, but it is the way I see random quests in Fallen.


  1. One more thing which will be awesome in Fallen... Man, you are doing fucking good work!

    1. Thank you!
      Of course it is just an attempt to turn idea into IRL feature.
      It was completely vague for me, but at least now I see a way to implement it.

  2. Glad to see that outlaw posses are fighting for the good cause ;) On this topic, be sure to read this short but sweet post by Joe Hewitt (who made Gearhead): https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rec.games.roguelike.development/BVOmaQaPDxQ

    As always,

    1. Oh! Thank you for sharing good article!
      I will not only read (already), but also put it to good use ^_^

  3. I'd call these a quick table look up for generating quests like WoW uses. These get old - quests should be condition dependent with parameters which change with the game world. Is the moon full? The moon door appears. Did the king die? are the attitudes of old Gods changing? then some quest options become available. Shadow of Mordor is probably the state of the art in terms of weaving a game context into the experience.

    1. Oh yes. SoM is awesome.
      I understand that such method has its issues, but is there any other option for semi-random game?
      The stuff I wrote here is, well, a dreams, but it would be so great do it.
      Just like you described, quest generated with different bool flags checked.
