Jun 2, 2015

Character creation

Current Story: As a Player I want to have a possibility to select stats/skills/abilities and therefore create my own class.

I am in awe with games that have mighty character creation!
For example Cataclysm DDA.
If Cataclysm wouldn't has any actual game after character creation, I am sure, there would be people who play it.
Infinite replayability is one of the results of good character creation and character progression (of course).

My plan is to add good character creation and progression to Fallen.
How is your character to be created and develop?
First of all, Fallen doesn't have creature stats like STR/DEX/CON etc. 
Every single creature has a selection of secondary combat stats.
These stats, as you can guess from their name are used for combat calculations.

Armour, Dodge, Move speed, Melee Accuracy, Melee Damage, Melee Attack speed, Ranged Accuracy, Ranged Damage, Ranged Attack speed.
As usual, all secondary 
stats, as usual, are based on another creature primary stats, perks and skills.

But! If our character has no primary stats how it would be created and progress?

Perks and features!
You will build your character from features like Lego blocks.

Game will give limited amount of character points to create an avatar.
You will buy different features for your character from a big pool.
Every single feature isn't a skill, perk or stats, but potentially all of them.
For example feature 'robust health' will grant your character additional HP, both as static bonus and per level. Rather classic perk, isn't it?
Another feature 'Internal steam engine' means that your character endured painful surgery and now has mana powered steam engine inside body. It will allow to use steam based abilities and add manometer to game interface. 
You can get 'Steam discipline' feature. It will give your character a steam based ability. I think that player should be allowed to 'purchase' steam abilities even without 'Internal steam engine' ^_^. Nobody prohibits you to learn skills you cant use. In theory. For future purpose, but we will see.

Of course, you can purchase negative features to get more Character Points to buy positive features and so on.

Once you are done, these features would be applied to a character.

I set a deadline for myself to finish mentioned above: this Saturday.

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